
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey, world! My name is Joshua and here I’m writing briefly for you to get to know a little about me. This blog will be a way for me to update all my prayer, life, and financial partners (that’s you guys) as this journey unfolds!

But now for the moment you all have been waiting for… my autobiography!!(condensed of course)

I was born and raised in Mississippi. Ever since I could remember, I’ve spent almost every Sunday at the church. I’ve been working in children’s ministry for over 10 years and think I’ve found my calling there. 

I have just graduated from Mississippi College with two degrees (Spanish and Communication), but I’m really looking forward to wherever God is calling me within the next few months and years. 

I have 2 brothers, James and John and you’ll get to meet them in a future blog. My friends and family are a huge part of my story as well so don’t be surprised if they make an appearance or two here.

I love sports, working on new technology, and trying to take photos of nature and people! I’m also a very avid reader so if you’re reading a really good book let me know what it is and who it’s by and rate it on a scale from 1-10 (1 meaning it should never be opened again to 10 meaning this is almost as good as the bible but not the bible).

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